Important Web Designing Questions You Should Know

When you're holding a job designer position and you have to start a web design project; you should ask some important web designing questions. Read this entire article to understand the context better.

The moment you pass the web design job interview by nailing the web designer interview questions and answers, you’ll be on your way to handling the first web design project of that company. Congratulations! You’re a full-fledged web designer now as you’re able to pass all interview questions on web designing. The next step is for you to ask some important web designing questions to the client. It’s your turn to unleash your power in order to help the hiring company grow and succeed. Below are vital questions you have to know and understand. Be reminded that the business you’re serving must grow dramatically.

Your job is exciting and thrilling. Why? A business website that you have to design and create is the most essential platform in today’s digitization of business. Applying the technical know-how that you possess regarding web design and development is essential for success. You are going to be paid based on the inked contract. So, you’re expected to show your skill sets and to utilize them for the served company to have an excellent business performance. Let your creativity and brilliance shine as you go along the way designing and creating the needed biz site. Once you can perfectly create the website of the company that hired you, the level of gratification of that company seems to be high.

Web Designing Questions

To wow your employer, you have to start asking the right web designing questions.

How are you going to describe your business clearly?

The description of the business must be revealed by your client or employer. It’s important to get the so-called “best elevator pitch.” What does it mean? It’s about the clarity of the purpose, goals and objectives of the business you’re going to serve. You have to ask the client to describe his or her business. By doing this, you will be enlightened and guided so well. This is a great approach towards having the right website. Of course, knowing the purpose of the company is very essential as far as hitting the desired success is concerned.

Assessing the experience of the company in the business industry it belongs to is essential. It can serve as a milestone for further growth. Achieving success, be reminded, is not that easy. But when you do things according to the right direction and projection of the company, the business site to be designed and developed will really serve the purpose. The bottom line is that you need to understand all the concepts behind the brand you’re serving. It’s an essential step towards having the right direction. As a web designer, it’s your responsibility to do things based on the expectation of the company owner/s and stakeholders.

If you have an existing website, why is it not working to serve the purpose?

Presumably, the company hiring you as their web designer already has a website. The problem is, it’s not working. So, you have to revisit why it is not working. But before you conduct the needed evaluation process, you can ask the owner and management team why the site itself is not working favorably. The previously created site may have some serious issues which have to be addressed efficiently. Therefore, you must be able to figure out why it’s not working. Start the evaluation process by mining and digging relevant information and data from the owner and management team of the company you’re serving. This is an effective approach to meet the end-goal.

If they can provide you with some statistical report with data from Google Analytics and other tools, you can simply have the opportunity to analyze the problems and issues well. Given with figures and numbers, like the bouncing rates and number of visitors monthly during the time of the previous web designer, you can somehow reach the bottom of the problem. You’re being hired because the past designer was not performing well to provide the expected performance. So, it’s your turn to show great things. That is why it is advised that you use data from the company to re-start the process.

Do you already have the target market? Who are your audiences?

Determining the target market is essential for success. Why is it so? Because without the target market, you can’t categorically execute the right process and strategies. When the target audiences are identified, of course, it can be so easy for you to find ways on how to put relevant components in the site. For instance, the colors and typography to be used in the overall web design depends on the target market. Working with UX and UI designers is indeed an important methodology to execute. You also have to tell the business owner to hire those specialists because they can help you understand the realities that exist in the lives of the target audiences.

Take note of this: Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. The design of a biz site should be subjective. Meaning, it has to meet the standards and taste of the target market. By doing this, you’re making sure that the audience to be served will be satisfied. It’s their satisfaction and pleasure which must be prioritized. Nothing else. When you’re able to prioritize their needs and demands, then your business is going to flourish dramatically. It’s really important to do this to ensure that you can have the best results after the site to be designed and created will be launched.

Do you have specific features in your mind that you want to be placed on the site?

The features of the business website are another important aspect. Business success depends on this matter. This is the reason why it is really crucial to start designing and creating a site. Determining the vital features is quite necessary if you want the site to become successful. Failure to do this can lead to ultimate site failure. A drawback can possibly happen. The features to be incorporated in the site are essential for the performance and speed of the website. And it’s the owner of the business to decide on this matter. But of course, with your guidance and supervision. In other words, you can still have the words to say for the owner to consider.

What are the specific examples of site features? Will the site include a blog page, social media channels and chat support? You have to determine all these aspects if they’re included or not. Otherwise, you will be creating a site without proper direction. The role and function of the business owner in this aspect is very critical. So, you should ask him or her about these things. Right at the very start, you should clarify this because it can lead to ultimate success. Ask your client if he or she will include those features which might be of big help in terms of attaining optimal business success.

What is the general scope of the web design project which you want me to complete?

To complete the project, this question is vital. It can give you proper direction on the things that you have to accomplish. The scope of the project will reflect the range and domain of the activities and undertakings. This must be determined because it impacts the entire operation. The success rate of the web design project depends on this particular question. Part of the scope is the determination of a proper timeline. It’s about the deadline that the client is expecting for you to complete and finish the entire web design project.

As well, the aspects of the budget, content, and other partners who will execute relevant strategies should be revealed. That is why you have to ask the client about these things. Clarifying these matters will give you proper guidance and direction. Don’t let your web design project fail. Its success lies in your shoulder. It’s your responsibility to see to it that the entire project will be executed according to the right techniques, strategies and methodologies. Asking about the general scope is like knowing which way you should be going. It’s the right direction which you need to determine and for sure you will be heading towards growth and success.


Make sure that you ask the client clearly with all the given web designing questions. Asking him or her is to know how you’re going to execute the right plan to achieve the specific goals and objectives. Your client’s business is at stake here. Don’t compromise the business website because it serves as the digital platform where you can utilize to boost and enhance the overall brand performance. To hit success, make sure that all things you need are to be provided. Hence, ask your employer and the answers to your questions will give you the needed light.